Established 2011
Managing Editor:
Anna M. Evans
P.O. Box 115
Hainesport, NJ 08036

2022 Open Reading Period

The most recent publications from Barefoot Muse Press are David Landrum's Tawny Grammar, Diane Lee Moomey's Make for Higher Ground and Kathleen McClung's Temporary Kin. We pride ourselves on picking books not for their authors' name value, or for their saleability, but for the opportunity to bring work we love to the page.

The open reading period is now closed.

Please submit your manuscript as a file attachment with one of the following file extensions: .doc .docx .rtf. Manuscripts should contain 25-60 pages of poetry. Poems should demonstrate an allegiance to meter/form.

Barefoot Muse Press is committed to running open reading periods, on an annual basis when possible, with no reading fee. We do recommend that you read one of our most recent publications to get a feel for what we prefer.

Note: Barefoot Muse Press is a micropress designed to break even. With no reading fee comes no royalties. Barefoot Muse Press shall provide selected authors with 20 free copies of the book. Thereafter authors shall be able to purchase copies of the Book at 50% of the agreed cover price plus exact delivery charge.